Monday, August 30, 2010

Using multiple Siebel Repositories in local database

If you have multiple repositories in your server database and would like to have a few of them in your local database too then read on.

Scenario: Your Server database has 3 repositories. 1) Siebel Repository 2) Siebel Repository A 3) Siebel Repository B. You already have a local database (.dbf) file extracted with Siebel Repository. You would like to check out and check in from Siebel Repository A.

Login to Tools. Tools -> Check Out... One pop up window opens. The top line has Siebel Repository. In this dropdown you can see all other Siebel repositories. Do a get of Siebel Repository A. Now you will have Siebel Repository and Siebel Repository A in your local database. Login to Tools. Select File-> Open Repository.

Now, select the repository of your choice which in this case is - Siebel Repository A. After selecting this repository you can do a check in and check out of any objects from this repository.